- August 1, 2021 - October 1, 2022
Event Name:
Women’s Empowerment
Event Purpose:
The “Women’s Empowerment” event, held in New Zealand from 2021 to 2022, aimed to showcase the lives, work, thoughts, and contributions of contemporary women through video documentaries. The primary goal of this event was to convey the strength and wisdom of women, encouraging them to unleash their potential, rediscover themselves, and lead more women towards personal growth and development.
Event Dates:
The “Women’s Empowerment” event spanned from 2021 to 2022, providing the audience with ample time to explore the stories and perspectives of various women.
Event Locations:
This event covered different regions of New Zealand and used video documentaries to convey the thoughts and insights of women, emphasizing their contributions across various fields.
Event Format:
The “Women’s Empowerment” event adopted the format of video documentaries, using a visual and storytelling approach to convey the awareness and strength of women. This format allowed the audience to gain profound insights into the significance of women in contemporary society and their successes and challenges in different domains.
Event Content:
The core content of the event included the intellectual awareness of different women, their experiences, and insights in their work, life, and societal domains. The video documentaries showcased the wisdom, leadership abilities, and resilience of women, encouraging other women to discover their full potential, rediscover themselves, and achieve personal and professional growth.
Participant Feedback and Achievements:
The “Women’s Empowerment” event received wide acclaim, with many female viewers expressing inspiration and a fresh perspective on their lives and work. They discovered their inner strength and value. This event encouraged women to unleash their full potential, become leaders and advocates, and assist more women in achieving self-growth and development.
The success of the “Women’s Empowerment” event can be attributed to the collective efforts of all participants and supporters, making a positive contribution to promoting gender equality and empowering women.

《⼥性⼒量》 系列的12部纪录短⽚将探讨新时代⼥性发掘⾃⾝潜⼒、突破社会定义、完成⾃我觉醒的⼼路历程。
- 新西兰是⼥性⼒量崛起的温床
- 得益于社会对⼥性的尊重以及对⼥性权益的保护
- ⽣活在新西兰的⼥性因此更加⾃信,敢于在不同的领域发光发热,同时努⼒团结⼀切⼒量回报社区

华⼈⼥性缺乏展⽰的平台与表达的渠道,真实的声⾳只能淹没在众声喧哗之中. . .
观众缺乏普通⼈真实经历的引导,迷茫成为各个年龄段的必经之路. . .
以⽣活在新西兰各⾏各业的华⼈⼥性为切⼊点借助⼤众传媒,展⽰⼥性异彩纷呈的⼈⽣故事, 呼吁⼥性关注⾃⾝感受,从⽽完成⾃我的觉醒和蜕变争取激发社会各界⼈⼠对当今⼥性问题的关注,从社会层⾯为⼥性争取更多的话语权,创造更⼤的发展空间,改变社会对⼥性的“ 固有偏⻅ ”,让⼥性敢于发掘、发挥⾃⾝的潜⼒,以期⼥性获得社会的更多认同和尊重。


